Heads Up - Psychological First Aid - The Fourth Emergency Service

An International emergency response, resilience and treatment service for stress and trauma.

Heads Up - Mental Trauma Support

Heads Up is a charitable organisation providing trained volunteer therapists who are experienced in treating people suffering from psychological shock

Left un-treated, there is an increased risk that psychological shock can lead to a variety of mental health issues including PTSD. Our team are available to travel, without prior warning, to the site of any disaster, natural or man-made, and will work alongside the emergency services to support those with cognitive psychological first aid (affected people, witnesses, emergency workers). When on site at a disaster, emergency services cannot currently support patients suffering with any form of psychological symptoms. They focus on physically injured people.

Only once PTSD develops, and can be diagnosed, can the NHS offer treatment which can be too little, too late. We therefore provide pop-up centres at major disaster sites to lower the risk of developing PTSD. In the past we have provided teams to; Manchester Arena, London Bridge and London Borough Market and Grenfell Tower. Our unique treatment process awakens affected people suffering from psychological shock reducing the risk of the development of PTSD.

We are proud to be working with Ukraine nationals to support them through the trauma of war and are planning a visit to Ukraine ASAP to provide support and treatment for those who have witnessed atrocities.

A world leader in the field of trauma support providing a 'Prevent & Response' service that is completely unique to the UK

Emergency Mental Trauma Response

We're considered the fourth emergency service by providing a
field mental health trauma support centre.

Our volunteers and vans loaded with gazebos, water and supplies respond immediately to news of a disaster in the UK and will create a "field mental health support centre" which will treat victims, witnesses and members of the emergency services. Our field team remain on site for up to one month following any disaster to ensure that anyone affected can receive treatment within the efficacy time-frame. Recognisable by our bright orange gazebos, and team members wearing orange branded t-shirts.

How can you get involved?

We are always looking to expand our service and would like to receive enquiries from anyone who would like to be trained to perform this treatment. We hold regular training events throughout the year to welcome new volunteers.

Do you have the transferable skills required to make a difference? Are you a member/retired from the Emergency Services? Armed Forces? Trauma Therapist?

To enquire about our upcoming training dates and register for updates about our service. Please click here

We need your support!

We need funding to provide resources and training for our volunteers. By performing our emergency first aid treatment at disaster sites we aim to eliminate psychological shock which, left un-treated, could result in post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD has an huge impact on the lives of the victim and their families and cost our NHS many thousands of pounds per individual to recover from.